UOC Chancellor on Cherkasy: It's a fight not against our Church but against God

20 October 19:30
Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanych). Photo: Bishop’s Facebook Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanych). Photo: Bishop’s Facebook

Metropolitan Anthony called for prayers for Metropolitans Arseny, Pavel, Theodosiy, and others who are unjustly imprisoned.

On October 20, the Chancellor of the UOC, Metropolitan Anthony of Boryspil and Brovary, commented on the seizure of the UOC cathedral in Cherkasy and the brutal beating of clergy and believers during his address at the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra.

“We all saw how this Thursday, believers were driven out of the cathedral in Cherkasy, when that terrifying crowd took up weapons, sticks, and beat the people who built that cathedral, who had prayed there for many years. They even beat our bishop, Metropolitan Theodosiy... I don’t know what was in the heart of the person who struck the bishop on the head with a stick...,” he noted.

According to the metropolitan, we live in a time when we must be prepared for anything.

“We may end up without a church, but we must always remember that God is where there is love, God is where there is humility, God is where there is prayer,” said the bishop.

The UOC hierarch underscored that “those people who are fighting against our Church – the Ukrainian Orthodox Church – are not fighting against the UOC; they are fighting against God.” In his opinion, the situation in Cherkasy is an example of this.

“Dear brothers and sisters, this is a very difficult time that requires us to unite in prayer. Not a day should go by without us praying for our bishops: Metropolitan Arseny, Metropolitan Pavel, Metropolitan Theodosiy, and others who are currently unjustly imprisoned or under investigation... to sincerely pray for all our loved ones and for our Homeland,” he urged.

The bishop reminded that Christ the Savior Himself, as the embodiment of absolute Love, came to save people, yet they crucified Him, but even then, on the cross, He prayed for them and asked, ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.’

“Indeed, many today seem to have a veil over their eyes – they do not understand what they are doing. One cannot fight against the Church; those who fight against God will never prevail. Unfortunate is the hand that struck our people, who were defending their sanctuary,” said the bishop.

The UOC hierarch reminded that the foundation of Christian life is prayer and repentance.

“May the Spirit of God give us the strength in humility to defend our faith and to build our future,” he noted, reminding that the future for an Orthodox Christian is the Resurrection, which cannot come without the cross.

“This is the objective reality in the life of every Christian. Just as Christ did not remain on the cross, our Church will not perish and will surely rise again. If we are worthy, if we pray and ask the Lord for His almighty help, and the saints who have already gone through this and empathize with each of us in our pains and tribulations,” he concluded.

As reported by the UOJ, our subscribers showed how church raiders seized the cathedral in Cherkasy.

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