Expert: Seizure of UOC Cathedral in Cherkasy hurts Phanar head's reputation

20 October 10:49
Patriarch Bartholomew. Photo: Romfea Patriarch Bartholomew. Photo: Romfea

Natalia Vasilevich emphasized that the seizure of churches is dividing Ukraine.

Belarusian theologian Natalia Vasilevich wrote a post on her Telegram channel following the seizure of the St. Michael’s Cathedral in Cherkasy, noting that such actions affect the reputation of Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, who granted the tomos to the OCU. She pointed out that Patriarch Bartholomew, who decided to create the OCU, took significant risks, which have already led to losses for him personally and for the unity of the entire Orthodox world.

“The seizure of churches and violence in favor of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine pleases neither Patriarch Bartholomew nor other bishops who signed the tomos,” Vasilevich wrote. She also added that Patriarch Bartholomew had already spoken out against violence during the expansion of the OCU; she was present during such a conversation between the head of the Phanar and the OCU spokesperson, Yevstratiy Zoria, in Tallinn. At that time, the Ecumenical Patriarch stated that the unity of the church cannot be built on violence.

“With these seizures, beatings, and other acts of gross violence, supporters and representatives of the OCU not only boost a very bad reputation for themselves and for all of Ukraine. They ‘set up’ Patriarch Bartholomew and tarnish his reputation. And besides all that – since it is poorly aligned with Christianity –  it further radicalizes society, undermines the rule of law, causes suffering to other people, and forces good and responsible believers of the OCU who disagree with the violence to bear the burden of shame and collective responsibility, to distance themselves from these actions, and to also suffer from reputational damage,” Vasilevich noted.

As reported by the UOJ, unknown individuals in camouflage seized the UOC cathedral in Cherkasy on their second attempt.

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