Metropolitan Theodosiy asks for prayers for the mobilized UOC cleric

Metropolitan Theodosiy. Photo: Screenshot from the Cherkasy Eparchy video Metropolitan Theodosiy. Photo: Screenshot from the Cherkasy Eparchy video

The ruling bishop of the Cherkasy Eparchy called for assistance in the release of the priest.

Metropolitan Theodosiy of Cherkasy and Kaniv made a statement regarding the mobilization of a priest from the Cherkasy Eparchy of the UOC, Archpriest Ioann Polishchuk. According to the UOC hierarch, the priest was mobilized on the evening of October 1. The appeal from Metropolitan Theodosiy was published by the Cherkasy Eparchy.

"Last night, he was urgently mobilized and sent away – today he is already at the Uzhhorod training ground. I appeal to all those who can influence this: Please help in the release of the priest. According to the canonical rules of the Orthodox Church, a clergyman cannot participate in military actions," said the Metropolitan.

He also called on the clergy and laity to pray for the release of Father Ioann: "May the Lord free him and reunite him with his family."

It should be recalled that Father Ioann Polishchuk was detained on October 1 in Kremenets by representatives of the Territorial Recruitment Center (TRC) as part of forced mobilization. The priest had recently returned from Germany, where he had been providing spiritual care to UOC parishioners.

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