Matsola passions, or why the Russian money comes to the UOC KP net

12 September 2016 12:34
Matsola passions, or why the Russian money comes to the UOC KP net
Famous businessman and patron Andrey Matsola has appeared recently in the scandal epicenter. Journalists published the materials which make it clear that Matsola is engaged in the active business in Russia. Of late similar accusations have reached a lot of entrepreneurs, including civil servants – power holders.

Depsite this fact, the Russian affairs of Ukrainian oligarchs often remain under the seal of secrecy. However, not in case with Matsola – for he is the one to have been faithfully bankrolling the “Kiev Patriarchate” for quite a lot time. Basically, there would seem nothing wrong about it but for the UOC KP rhetoric that continually, at any opportunity, defames not only Russia as a state but also those who are even slightly related to it.

The UOC-KP set of concepts in the information and social sphere is molded in such a way that anything to have to do with Russia is given a hostile reception. Taking that into account, such close cooperation between the “Kiev Patriarchate” and Andrey Matsola looks somewhat bizarre. Though, as they put it, money does not smell. Despite the UOC KP statement about “each candle, bought in a church of the Moscow Patriarchate, being a bullet, fired at the back of a Ukrainian soldier", if those candle-raised revenues went to the treasury of the UOC KP, that would be silently accepted.

But the point is different, namely – it’s about Matsola. The complexity of his relationships with the UOC KP lies in the rhetoric of the latter running counter to the business of the former. As for Matsola himself, we actually know very little about how much is the stake of this patron of the “most patriotic” church in the business of the” agressor state.”

First Moscow-based private brewery

What connects such brands as “First private brewery” and “Moscow beer-producing company”? Exactly, one and the same owner! Andrey Matsola it is. If we enter into details, Andrey Matsola’s brother – MPs from “BPP” Roman Matsola appears to be a shareholder of the “Moscow beer-producing company”.

Everybody has been used for long to the fact that Ukrainian “patriotically stricken” deputies, speaking from the height of the VR presidium about Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, forge their own funds on the territory of the “aggressor state”. Moreover, MPs diligently pay taxes to the Russian treasury, financing– by the logic of the Kiev Patriarchate – the Russian army.

In this entire situation it seems strange that Matsola brothers do not even hide their involvement into this matter. For instance, Andrey Matsola does not shy away from Russian journalists talking on this issue, complaining about the fact that the conflict in Donbass and exacerbation of relationships between Russia and Ukraine has significant adverse effects on his brewing business.

By the way, speaking of Donbass. Perhaps, each Ukrainian knows well that the so called authorities of self-proclaimed republics “DPR” and “LPR” are not recognized by anybody in the world. It’s consistent then that neither the taxation system nor the regulations of these quasi-states are legitimate. This is what at least people like Roman Matsola convince us in. Yet how does it match with the information that the product of the “First private brewery” owned by his brother – Andrey, is marketed peacefully on the occupied territories? How come that Matsola’s company runs its business in the non-existing state formations?

“Kiev Patriarchate” – not that patriotic?

As a matter of curiosity – will the UOC KP representatives respond somehow to the information concerning their big patron? Logically, the “Kiev Patriarchate” was supposed to have made a statement they refuse from any assistance on Matsola’s part, since the latter is a sponsor of the “aggressor state’s” army. Yet there are nagging doubts this will ever take place.

There are a number of reasons thereto, but it’s pointless pointing out to them, because it’s clear – the key point is money. Still it never fails to surprise me, how long the Kiev Patriarchate is going to throw “patriotic dust” into the people’s eyes given that the organization itself lives on the funds of the invader’s sponsor! And what matters most: when will the people who have faith in Filaret and Co understand they are being blatantly cheated? Making their parishioners refuse from the soap and toothpaste made in Russia, the UOC KP is totally unable to refuse from the Russian beer.
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