Phanar head says ecology is the greatest challenge for humanity

27 October 2022 19:38
Phanar head says ecology is the greatest challenge for humanity

According to Patriarch Bartholomew, modern civilization must mobilize all forces to solve the problem of environmental conservation.

On October 27, 2022, Patriarch Bartholomew, speaking at the opening of the scientific conference "Ecological Theology and Environmental Ethics" stated that the environmental problem is the greatest challenge facing humanity, reports «Еkklisia Оnline».

The Ecumenical Patriarch emphasized that not only life is threatened by the destruction of the environment but also the preservation of the human presence on Earth.

"Humans with their intervention and deforestation are destroying civilization in the name of politics, geopolitical interests and planning or even for the supposed increase in living standards," he said.

The Phanar head referred to the need for not only adults but also children to be active from a very early age so that they realise the importance of environmental protection and become responsible citizens, noting that the environmental problem is "the greatest challenge for humanity".

As earlier reported, Patriarch Bartholomew, Pope Francis and Anglican leader Justin Welby urged the faithful to fight for the environment.

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