Source: UGCC sends out 'gender' manual for Catholic schools

11 October 2022 21:13
Source: UGCC sends out 'gender' manual for Catholic schools

A manual for talks in Catholic schools about gender diversity is being distributed to the UGCC clergy.

The guidelines that teach how to talk to LGBT-positive pupils and students in Catholic educational institutions are being distributed among the UGCC's episcopate, reports the Telegram channel “Churcher”.

The channel's authors published a screenshot of the letter, which said that the distribution of the LGBT handbook, a manual entitled "Created and Loved", to bishops is carried out "with the blessing of Blessed Sviatoslav” (head of the UGCC – Ed.).

The guidelines state that "all schools should conduct effective pastoral care for gender-diverse students. Teachers are advised to adhere to the position that "gender can change and fluctuate between female and male and is a subjective personal choice". 

"According to Christianity, gender is something separate from biological sex. Gender is usually defined arbitrarily, while sex is given by God," says the manual "Created and Loved". 

As earlier reported, Slovenia was the first Slavic country to legalise same-sex marriage.

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