Patriarch Kirill comments on mobilization in the Russian Federation

27 September 2022 16:57
Patriarch Kirill comments on mobilization in the Russian Federation

The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church called on the believers of Russia to "renew their faith."

Patriarch Kirill stated the importance of spiritual mobilization, which, in his opinion, will ultimately lead, among other things, to the reconciliation of Russia and Ukraine. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church said this in a sermon at the Divine Liturgy on the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, Interfax reports.

“We have lived up with you to a fateful time, and in a fateful time we should renew our faith, sharpen our consciousness and our memory, look differently at many things, which we would look at yesterday without any special attention, special care. And that’s when this spiritual mobilization of ours, to which I now call everyone, will help the mobilization of all the forces of our Fatherland, and at the same time, it will undoubtedly facilitate in the end the complete reconciliation of Russia and Ukraine, which are a single space of the Russian Orthodox Church,” said the Patriarch .

He urged to pray for an end to civil strife, to do everything to restore fraternal relations between "two parts of the united Russia", and also that the Lord save young people from the fact that "their life is cut short in this internecine strife."

Earlier, the UOJ reported that the head of the Russian Orthodox Church urged the Russians not to consider Ukrainians as enemies.

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