Eurosolidarity deputy: Lviv City Council bans UOC

30 June 2022 20:36
Eurosolidarity deputy: Lviv City Council bans UOC

The activities of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church were banned by the decision of the City Council in Lviv.

The Lviv City Council decided to ban the activities of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the city. This was announced by the initiator of the ban, MP from the European Solidarity party Yuriy Lomaga on his Facebook page.

According to local authorities, the UOC is a “Russian agent”.

In his message, the people's deputy thanked his colleagues who supported his initiative.

Along with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Lviv, the activities of the Ukrainian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church "Dognal’s Group" were banned.

Earlier, the UOJ reported that the Lviv District Council banned the UOC in the district.

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