Verkhovna Rada okays ratification of Istanbul Convention

20 June 2022 17:54
Verkhovna Rada okays ratification of Istanbul Convention

The Parliament of Ukraine supported the ratification of the Istanbul Convention by a majority of votes.

On June 20, the Verkhovna Rada voted for the ratification of the Istanbul Convention, MP Yaroslav Zhelezniak said in his Iron MP Telegram channel.

“The Parliament supported the ratification of the Istanbul Convention (on the prevention of violence against women and domestic violence). For – 259 votes. Against – 8," the deputy wrote.

Recall that the Istanbul Convention, opened for signature in May 2011, was considered unacceptable by the Orthodox Churches in Poland and Bulgaria. Ukraine acceded to the convention in 2011, but the Verkhovna Rada did not rush to ratify it. The signing of the convention was opposed by the UOC, the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations, as well as the Miriane (laity – Trans.) Public Union.

As the UOJ wrote, Zelensky submitted to the Rada a bill on the ratification of the Istanbul Convention.

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