OCU calls on authorities to ban the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

16 May 2022 21:26
OCU calls on authorities to ban the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

The synod of the OCU schismatics called on central and local authorities to "immediately take the necessary decisions" against the UOC.

The OCU, led by Epifaniy Dumenko, called on the central and local authorities to effectively liquidate the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. A statement published on the website of the schismatics on May 16, 2022 says that the authorities should take into account "the special importance of church issues for the security of Ukraine."

The schismatic Church calls the canonical Church an "instrument of hybrid aggression," so the authorities should act now, rather than sometime in the future, make decisions, rather than make vague promises, take responsibility, rather than wait for someone else to take action."

At the same time, the "synod" of the OCU immediately declares the inalienable right of believers and communities to self-determination and choice of their jurisdiction.

Dumenko's retinue also accused the UOC of appropriating the "Ukrainian Orthodox Church" name.

It will be recalled that Archbishop Clement (Vecheria) explained that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church received its name earlier than the State of Ukraine became independent.

According to the UOJ, the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church called on the President to stop lawlessness against the canonical Church.

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