Riots break out on Temple Mount in Jerusalem

15 April 2022 18:01
Riots break out on Temple Mount in Jerusalem

More than 150 people were injured in the clashes.

Riots have broken out on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in Israel, reports the portal Israelan.

This year, the holidays of Passover for Jews and Ramadan for Muslims overlapped. The Temple Mount is home to the shrines of all religions, so both Arabs and Jews were gathered in the same place. The riots and clashes lasted for about six hours from early morning. They began during prayers on the occasion of the second Friday of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Around 12,000 Muslims gathered for this prayer on the Temple Mount. Among them were about a hundred violent protesters, some carrying Hamas and Palestinian Authority flags.

After prayers ended, police tried to force the rioters off the Temple Mount, but they barricaded themselves inside the Al-Aqsa mosque. The protesters stored rocks and rebar there, which they used during the clash with the Israeli security forces. The police in turn used tear gas, stun grenades and rubber bullets to disperse the crowd.

As a result, more than 150 people were injured, including three Israeli police officers. Over 300 rioters were detained. Israeli security forces are currently controlling the situation on the Temple Mount.

Israeli media report that the situation in Jerusalem's Old City remains tense, with the country's security forces preparing for a new outbreak of protests closer to Friday evening when Jews celebrate Passover. According to city authorities, there will be no restrictions on visits to the Temple Mount for Jews or Muslims, but any provocations will be stopped.


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