Rivne Eparchy of UOJ continues to help warriors and IDPs

10 March 2022 17:02
Rivne Eparchy of UOJ continues to help warriors and IDPs

The Rivne Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church reported that believers and priests continue to help Ukrainian warriors and internally displaced persons.

The Rivne Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church continues to help soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and internally displaced persons, reports the eparchy’s website.

St. Tatiana’s parish in Zdolbuniv bakes cakes almost every day and give them to the local social assistance centre, which serves as the basis for a volunteer movement to help refugees.

In the village of Koryst, Korets district, parishioners of the Church of the Martyr Demetrius of Solunsk collected vegetables, preserves and cereals for the Ukrainian military. The parish bought a lot of minced meat which is used by the village school to make stuffing for pancakes and pies for the defenders.

In the village of Ukrainka in the Ostroh district, parishioners of the Holy Trinity Church organized the regular baking of homemade bread, a variety of biscuits and muffins. Wheat for the flour products was provided by a local farmer, the mill workers milled it, and rural women in the homes make the baked goods.

Baked goods are also distributed at the railway station in Zdolbuniv for people leaving dangerous areas.

As reported, the Rivne Eparchy of the UOC collected five trucks of aid for the Ukrainian military.

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