Patriarch Bartholomew: War is almost raging between Russia and Ukraine

02 February 2022 14:21
Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and Patriarch Bartholomew. Photo: Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and Patriarch Bartholomew. Photo:

The head of Phanar said that tens of thousands of young people, mostly Ukrainians, had died in eastern Ukraine.

On February 1, 2022, the head of the Church of Constantinople, Patriarch Bartholomew, said that a war is almost raging between Ukraine and Russia, according to the Greek publication Dogma.

During the consecration of the chapel in honor of the holy martyr Tryphon on Imvros, the patriarch said that “the sound of weapons is heard in different parts of the world”, while “in the very heart of Europe, on the border between Russia and Ukraine, a war is almost raging.”

“It started a long time ago in eastern Ukraine. If I remember correctly from the media, tens of thousands of young people were killed, mostly Ukrainians, and the whole world is against the expansion of the war,” the head of Phanar said.

He also stated that “our Holy Center on Phanar hopes and prays for world peace so that the fatality does not happen again, in which thousands of young people will lose their lives, leave orphans, widows and mothers broken by grief. The war has never led to good results,” summed up the head of the Patriarchate of Constantinople.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that, according to Epifaniy Dumenko, if the government does not support the OCU, Putin will come to Ukraine.

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