Usyk: We had a church wedding so our salvation involves two of us

21 January 2022 15:51
Alexander Usyk in the author's program of Masha Efrosinina Alexander Usyk in the author's program of Masha Efrosinina

World heavyweight boxing champion and believer of the UOC Alexander Usyk said that life in an unmarried marriage was a serious test for him.   

The world-famous boxer Alexander Usyk in Masha Efrosinina’s author's program "Exam" on her YouTube channel said that he considers it necessary to marry before God.

“I immediately told Katerina (Usyk’s wife – Ed.): you will be my wife! Now it is so,” the athlete admitted.

Although the marriage has been going on for several years, the couple decided to get married in church only a year and a half ago. According to Alexander Usyk, the wife offered to test the strength of feelings with time. Life in an unmarried marriage has become a serious test for the athlete. But he was ready to wait until his wife agreed to receive the sacrament of the Wedding.

“I said that the moment you say yes, we will get married. We wanted to get married for our tenth marriage anniversary and arrange a wedding party with friends,” recalls the boxer.

But the wedding went in a completely different way.

“We were alone when we had a church wedding ceremony. Nobody knew about it. There was only a priest who married us, me, Katya and our family friend,” says the champion.

When asked by the presenter what rules Alexander follows after the wedding, the athlete replied:

“We are husband and wife, what can be the rules? Our marriage is blessed by the Lord, we will seek our salvation only as a couple.

Recall that the world-famous boxer Alexander Usyk is a parishioner of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Earlier, the UOJ spoke about Alexander Usyk’s views on the Orthodox upbringing of children.

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