Almaty Police Department stormed with shouts "Allahu Akbar"

06 January 2022 19:15
Law enforcers in the centre of Almaty. Photo: Law enforcers in the centre of Almaty. Photo:

There is a video of protesters with big hammers on their shoulders going to storm the Almaty Police Department shouting "Allahu Akbar".

A video from Almaty was published on the Web, in which protesters, shouting "Allahu akbar" with large hammers on their shoulders, are allegedly going to storm the police department. The video was posted by the “Politika Strany” Telegram channel.

Almaty, where nighttime Christmas services were even cancelled due to curfews, remains the hottest spot in Kazakhstan, where mass protests have been taking place since January 2, which have escalated into riots. reports that 13 law enforcement officers have already died in Almaty, and three of them (previously reported two) were found beheaded. At the moment, fighting continues there. In total, 18 law enforcement officers were killed in Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republic reported the local press.

At the same time, military contingents of the member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization began to arrive in the country.

The UOJ wrote that the religious leaders of Kazakhstan сalled citizens for reason and responsibility.

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