YouTube blocks Ukrainian journalists' story on Istanbul Convention

11 December 2021 14:50
Ruslan Kalinchuk talking about the Istanbul Convention. Photo: UOJ Ruslan Kalinchuk talking about the Istanbul Convention. Photo: UOJ

Journalists urged to protect the traditional family from any encroachments by all legal means.

On 7 December, the YouTube channel "1Kozak" was planning to release a story about the Istanbul Convention, but the management of the video hosting immediately removed the story and blocked the opportunity to publish the video for a few days, as reported on the channel's Facebook page.

In the video, Orthodox publicist Ruslan Kalinchuk explained why, having ratified the Istanbul Convention, Ukraine will face harsh ideological oppression. 

"We have long been told that under the guise of the noble goal of protecting women's rights from domestic violence, a gender ideology will be imposed on us and our children and, under pain of criminal liability, we will be deprived of the possibility to criticize unhealthy social phenomena and be prohibited from exposing sin and, ultimately, professing our faith and Christian principles," said the journalists of the "1Kozak"  channel.

According to them, this lawlessness shows that it is important for YouTube management to hide the truth about the Istanbul Convention on the eve of its ratification in Ukraine.

"All the rage and lawlessness on the part of the resource's administration shows how important this topic is for them. How important it is for them to hide the truth and shut up anyone who disagrees. And how surprisingly their fear of the truth about the Istanbul Convention coincides with the intentions of our authorities to ratify this mocking document. The ratification of the Istanbul Convention in Ukraine would be a weighty step in building an anti-Christian, insane and alien world," says the message on Facebook.

The journalists urged to stand up for their rights and protect the traditional family from any encroachments by all legal means.

We shall remind you that the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine plans in February 2022 to consider ratification of the Istanbul Convention, which, according to the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations, promotes same-sex relations, same-sex partnerships and gender ideology at the state level. 

As previously reported, the NGO “Miriane” appealed to the Verkhovna Rada on the issue of the Istanbul Convention.

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