In Zaporizhzhia those forced to be vaccinated blessed with special prayer

15 October 2021 21:33
Metropolitan Luke of Zaporizhzhia and Melitopol. Photo: Metropolitan Luke of Zaporizhzhia and Melitopol. Photo:

Met. Luke said that vaccination is positioned as a voluntary event, but in case of refusal, people are threaten with dismissal and restriction of rights and freedoms.

On October 15, 2021, Metropolitan Luke (Kovalenko) of Zaporizhzhia and Melitopol, blessed the reading of a special prayer to those believers who have to be vaccinated.

On his Telegram channel, Vladyka Luke wrote that "we all face restrictions of our civil rights and freedoms", and "the coronavirus infection has transformed from a medical problem into a more global one."

According to the hierarch, vaccination is “so far the most effective method of fighting infection” and it “is already being practically forcibly introduced everywhere”.

“On the one hand, it is positioned as a voluntary event, but in case of unwillingness, people, unfortunately, are threatened with dismissal, the ability to move even within the country is limited, they are prohibited from engaging in entrepreneurial activities, etc. Get vaccinated or stay at home,” wrote the metropolitan.

He asked his flock to try to "follow all the recommendations of specialists" and take care of each other, and drew the attention of the faithful to the fact that "the Church does not force or forbid to be vaccinated".

At the same time, Vladyka said, "since many parishioners turn to the priesthood with this question for guidance, I bless (within the Zaporizhzhia Eparchy) everyone who is forced to be vaccinated to come to the church and ask the priest to perform the" Prayer song about invoking the Holy Spirit ... " with the addition of the prayer "For taking medicine and other healing" so that, by the Grace of God, all who are forced to be vaccinated remember the words of the Savior "if they drink anything deadly, it will not harm them "(Mark 16:18).

He also urged to trust in the Will of the All-Merciful Lord and wished the grace of God and "the strengthening of mental and physical health".

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that in Ukraine in the "red zone", according to the new quarantine rules, business and educational institutions can work only on the condition of 100% vaccination.

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