Cypriot authorities cancel meeting with the head of Phanar Archdiocese

22 September 2021 15:32
Archbishop Elpidophoros. Photo: Archbishop Elpidophoros. Photo:

The country's leadership decided not to meet with the Phanar hierarch in the United States, who had taken part in the opening of the Turkish Center in New York.

On September 22, 2021, Greek media reported that Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Cypriot President Nikos Anastasiades canceled their meetings with the head of the Phanariot Archdiocese in the United States, Archbishop Elpidophoros. Later, it was reported that Mitsotakis decided to meet with the Phanar hierarch after all.

Initially, the decision to cancel the scheduled meeting was made by both the President of Cyprus and the Prime Minister of Greece, who are on a business trip in America in the UN General Assembly, after Archbishop Elpidophoros had attended the opening of the Turkish Center in New York.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that on September 20, 2021, the head of the Phanariot Archdiocese in the United States, Archbishop Elpidophoros (Lambriniadis), took part in the opening of the Turkish Center in New York.

The American Archbishop of Phanar, together with Turkish President Recep Erdogan, as well as the head of the so-called Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Ersin Tatar and other guests, cut the symbolic ribbon at the opening of the Turkish House in New York.

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