Lawyer reports when next court hearings regarding Lavra cases to take place

22 October 20:57
Entrance to the Lower Lavra. Photo: UOC Entrance to the Lower Lavra. Photo: UOC

Archpriest Nikita requests prayers and support from believers.

In Kyiv, court hearings regarding two cases related to the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra will be held soon, as reported on his Telegram channel by the monastery's lawyer, Fr Nikita Chekman.

On 24 October at 11:00 a.m. the Northern Economic Court of Appeal will hold a court hearing on the termination of the agreement on the use of the Lower Lavra by the monastery.

The court hearing on the eviction of the monks is scheduled for 12:00, November 7.

"We ask for holy prayers and support!" the priest wrote.

As the UOJ wrote, the court granted the judge's recusal in the case of eviction of the brethren from the Lavra.

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