Phanar hierarch: Our Church and Hellenism find a friend in the White House

13 September 2021 12:49
Джо Байден и архиепископ Элпидофор. Фото: Джо Байден и архиепископ Элпидофор. Фото:

The Phanar head in the United States said who is a friend of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in the US White House.

The Patriarchate of Constantinople and Hellenism have a friend in the US White House in the person of President Joe Biden, said the head of the Greek Archdiocese of the Phanar in the USA, Archbishop Elpidophoros (Lambriniadis), reports Kathimerini.

The Phanar hierarch spoke about Biden's relationship with the Greek community in the United States. Archbishop Elpidophoros referred to President Biden's relationship with the Greek community, noted his growing interest in the Eastern Mediterranean region, as well as the Patriarchate, and stressed that in his face "our Church and Hellenism have a friend in the White House".

“I'm sure you know that President Biden began his political career more than fifty years ago with the warm support of the Greek-American community in his state of Delaware,” he recalled. “Greek-Americans have always been his most ardent supporters, and throughout his tenure in the Senate, the president has shown particular interest in developments in the southeastern Mediterranean. I have met with President Biden since 2013.”

“In July 2020, after the conversion of Hagia Sophia into a mosque, he hurried to call me on the phone to reaffirm his unequivocal support for the Ecumenical Patriarchate, while last March he honored us by speaking by teleconference in celebration of the bicentennial of the Greek. I know that in the person of President Biden, our Church and Hellenism find a friend in the Oval Office,” resumed Archbishop Elpidophoros.

As reported, Catholic Biden has stated that he is deeply committed to the right to abortion.

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