OCU “priest” Kulik supports racism and favors monarchy in Ukraine

09 October 22:38
Yaroslav Kulik. Photo: Yaroslav Yasenets’s Facebook Yaroslav Kulik. Photo: Yaroslav Yasenets’s Facebook

In his videos, Yaroslav Kulik admires racist ideas and expresses anti-scientific theories.

Deacon of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Andriy Hlushchenko accused the OCU “priest” Yaroslav Kulik of spreading racist ideas and supporting anti-scientific theories. Kulik, also known as Yaroslav Yasenets, serves at St St Stilian’s Church, which is part of the complex of the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral of the OCU in Teremky. The publication quotes a video clip of Kulik published on YouTube and Facebook and assesses his statements.

In the video, Kulik promotes a Telegram channel with racial themes, saying that it is “Ukraine's first racial community of the monarchist direction”.

Hlushchenko also rebukes Kulik for supporting the idea of restoring the monarchy in Ukraine and establishing a theocracy, which Kulik links to the fight against the “influence of the devil”. In his video, Kulik states: “Theocracy is the system that will give us the opportunity to fight a little with the devil, to reduce a bit his influence on the world, to save a little bit more souls, to bring them to salvation, to bring them to deification, to enlightenment, to the knowledge of Divine Truth, to enroll in the line for the Kingdom of Heaven a bit more of those who die before the second coming of Christ. This is really something that will help us merely gain time and clean up the world a little bit before the Lord's return. God grant that we will have theocracy. I dream very much about the restoration of monarchy in Ukraine. I even have a candidate for a person whom we would crown as the Grand Duke of Kyiv and of all Rus'.”

The OCU cleric goes on to call secular states “atheistic”, claiming that they degrade human nature by excluding God from public life: “A secular state is essentially an atheistic state. This means that the worldview of this state and the principles of lawmaking are atheistic, they exclude God and they degrade people to the level of mere descendants of apes.”

UOC deacon Andriy Hlushchenko recalls that Kulik sad previously become known for his sympathies for Nazi ideas, praising the “knights of Europe” and Germany, which he called “a state built on correct sacred principles”.

As previously reported, a ‘cleric’ of the OCU from Lutsk, Archpriest Yuriy Blyzniuk, said that people get cancer because of their promiscuous lifestyle.

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