Released UOJ journalist Bobechko records a message from the hospital

06 October 22:26
Volodymyr Bobechko. Photo: Video Screenshot Volodymyr Bobechko. Photo: Video Screenshot

The Orthodox journalist explained the reasons for his arrest and called for support in raising funds for legal assistance.

UOJ journalist Volodymyr Bobechko, who spent over six months in pre-trial detention, has been released on bail and recorded a video message from the hospital, expressing gratitude to all those who helped secure his release.

"I am recording this video to thank all the people who helped me get out of prison, where I was unjustly and baselessly held for more than half a year," the journalist said.

In his message, Bobechko explained that he was arrested due to his journalistic activities, which involved covering the life of the Church and religious events in Ukraine. He emphasized that all the materials he published were based on objective facts, official statements, and quotes, fully in line with the norms of a democratic society. However, the authorities saw his work as incitement to religious hatred and anti-state activities.

"The absurdity of these accusations is shocking and continues to shock," Bobechko noted.

He also shared that, thanks to the support of lawyers and the public, he was able to be released on bail after six and a half months, although his case remains open.

"I sincerely thank everyone who joined our defense, who donated money to pay for the lawyers. And special thanks, dear brothers and sisters, to those who contributed to the bail, which exceeded 1.4 million hryvnias," the journalist emphasized.

Bobechko added that two of his colleagues – UOJ journalists – are still being held in pre-trial detention. He urged everyone to continue supporting the legal battle to secure their release: "This is necessary so that Orthodox journalists can regain their freedom and so that law and justice finally prevail."

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5375 4112 1877 7766

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As the UOJ previously reported, prayers for the imprisoned UOJ journalists continue near the Lavra.

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