Adaptive quarantine in Ukraine extended until October 1

11 August 2021 17:57
Denis Shmyhal. Photo: Denis Shmyhal. Photo:

In Ukraine, quarantine is extended and the rate of vaccination of the population is accelerated, said Prime Minister Denis Shmyhal.

Adaptive quarantine in Ukraine is extended until October 1, 2021. This decision was made at a government meeting on August 11, which was broadcast on the YouTube channel of the Cabinet of Ministers.

The decision to extend the quarantine and emergency regime was announced by Prime Minister Denis Shmyhal.

According to him, today the epidemiological situation in the country is completely under control, but experts are already recording the first negative trends in the increase in hospitalizations of patients seriously ill with coronavirus.

He added that the rate of vaccination needs to be accelerated.

“Over the past week, almost 1 million vaccinations were made in Ukraine, and we will continue to accelerate. We have enough vaccines so that everyone can get protection,” the Prime Minister said.

Ukraine returned to the adaptive quarantine model on February 24, 2021. Depending on the epidemic situation, according to the level of quarantine restrictions, the regions are divided into "green", "yellow", "orange" and "red" zones.

The Ministry of Health is thinking about how to stimulate Ukrainians to vaccinate and allows for the introduction of a digital certificate in the form of a QR code.

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