Poroshenko's follower suggest giving polonium & "Novichok" to UOC believers

28 July 2021 21:09
Boris Kushniruk. Photo: facebook.com/KBB1966 Boris Kushniruk. Photo: facebook.com/KBB1966

An economic expert and associate of Poroshenko said what should have been given to the UOC faithful instead of water.

On July 28, 2021, one of the associates of the former President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, economist Boris Kushniruk, suggested distributing Novichok and polonium to the UOC faithful, reports the resource "Strana" with reference to Kushniruk's Facebook.

Boris Kushniruk, who is a frequent guest on the Priamyi TV channel (owned by Poroshenko), and who also participated in the ex-president's primaries as an “expert”, wrote that the participants in the religious procession in Kyiv should have been given not water but polonium and “Novichok”.

“Ze reproached Klitschko that during the march the believers of the ROC (meaning, probably, the UOC – Ed.) in Ukraine were not given water. Maybe then they’d better be given all the "best" from the "Russian world" – polonium, ‘Novichok’?" asked Kushniruk.

The “Strana” noted that in half an hour the post of the opinion leader received only 35 likes and three approving comments.

As reported, the UOC commented on the President's words about the lack of water for the cross walkers

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