Phanar mission officially receives St. Andrew's Church

28 July 2021 13:01
St. Andrew's Church. Photo: St. Andrew's Church. Photo:

Phanar representatives in Ukraine boasted of an agreement on the use of St. Andrew's сhurch.

Bishop of Phanar Mikhail (Anishchenko) signed an agreement on the use of St. Andrew's church with the leadership of the "Sophia of Kyiv" Reserve, the "Stavropegia of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Ukraine” mission reported on its Facebook page.

According to the document, representatives of Phanar now have the right to hold regular services in the architectural monument of the 18th century. However, they served in St. Andrew's church even before the signing of the contract.

The mission of the Patriarchate of Constantinople called this event historical. Fanariots invited Ukrainians to Sunday service and told how to behave in church.

“During services, believers must comply with moral and ethical standards, standards for the protection of monuments and anti-epidemic standards in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine,” the message says.

The OCU considers the transfer of St. Andrew's church to Phanar a victory, as well as "worthy gratitude of the State of Ukraine for the Tomos."

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the expert spotted violations of the law by the transfer of St. Andrew's church to Phanar.

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