Hierarchs of Jerusalem and Antioch Churches congratulate the UOC Primate

26 June 2021 19:20
His Beatitude Onuphry accepts congratulations on his Angel Day. Photo: vzcz.church.ua His Beatitude Onuphry accepts congratulations on his Angel Day. Photo: vzcz.church.ua

His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry was congratulated by the Primates of the Orthodox Churches of Russia, Georgia, Serbian, Poland, the Czech Lands and Slovakia.

The Bishop of the Orthodox Church of Antioch, Metropolitan Niphont of Philipopolis and the Bishop of the Jerusalem Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Timothy of Vostra, congratulated His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry on his namesake day and wished God's help in serving for the benefit of the Church, reports vzcz.church.ua.

“On this sacred day, I prayerfully wish you strong health, spiritual joy and God's all-powerful help in your high and difficult hierarchical service for the glory of the Holy Orthodox Church and for the good of the people of God,” wrote Metropolitan Niphont.

“I humbly but earnestly pray to the Lord, Who elevated you to the position of Primate, to strengthen you in your responsible and difficult ministry in times of difficult trials for the Church and Her believers and to enlighten you with the Holy Spirit in making wise and salvific decisions and actions for the salvation of the flock entrusted to you. May the Lord protect you and may he grant you health and salvation and good assistance for many blessed years in everything ", Metropolitan Timothy of Vostra wished His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry.

As the UOJ previously reported, the Primates of the Russian, Georgian, Serbian, Polish Orthodox Churches, as well as of the Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia, congratulated His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry on the occasion of his Namesake Day.

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