In Pochaiv, MinCult commission with police start the inspection of Lavra

05 June 11:32
Pochaiv Holy Dormition Lavra. Photo: Pochaiv Holy Dormition Lavra. Photo:

A commission from the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine arrived at the territory of the Pochaiv Lavra accompanied by police and Security Service personnel.

On June 5, 2024, a commission from the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine began an inspection of the Holy Dormition Pochaiv Lavra of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

This was reported by the administrators of the Telegram channel 'Myriany': "We have been informed that the inspection of the Pochaiv Lavra by the Ministry of Culture began 10 minutes ago!"

'Myriany' also reported that "the commission arrived, accompanied by police officers and SBU officers."

Earlier, the UOJ reported that the inspection of the Pochaiv Lavra was postponed due to the visit of the head of the Orthodox Church in America.

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