"Servants of the people" MP: Bill 8371 may be put to vote in May-June

13 May 17:32
Yevhenia Kravchuk. Photo: sluga-narodu.com Yevhenia Kravchuk. Photo: sluga-narodu.com

"We have experience in working for several days on the adoption of various complex laws. I am sure that the Verkhovna Rada is ready for it," Yevhenia Kravchuk says.

The profile committee of the Verkhovna Rada has already completed work on the bill on the so-called UOC ban. The document is ready for the second reading, said an MP from the "Servants of the People"party and Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Humanitarian and Information Policy Yevhenia Kravchuk on the air of the telethon.

According to her information, a table with more than 1300 amendments to the bill is posted on the website of the Verkhovna Rada.

"I want to personally thank the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, Mr. Stefanchuk, and the head of the apparatus, Mr. Shtuchny, for their personal intervention. After their personal intervention, after lengthy correspondence with various departments of the VRU apparatus, this table for the second reading finally appeared," said the MP.

In Kravchuk's opinion, considering the amendments could take several days for the deputies.

"There are no conditional, formal barriers for the bill to be included in the agenda now," she believes. "If some lawyers within the parliament want to delay and put amendments on record, obviously, this can be done. But we have experience in working for several days on the adoption of various complex laws. I am confident that the Verkhovna Rada is ready for this."

According to the MP, the bill is expected to be considered at the Conciliation Council in the near future, and the vote may take place in May or June.

"At the Conciliation Council in the coming session days, I cannot name the dates, this issue will be very acute, and it is quite possible that we can vote on it in May or June," she said.

Kravchuk also believes that the bill "against the UOC" concerns not freedom of religion but national security. That is why, in her opinion, there should be no delay in its adoption.

As was previously reported by the UOJ, the U.S. Commission on Religious Freedom expressed concern about Ukrainian bill 8371.

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