Swastika drawn on the building in the Jewish quarter of Uman

16 April 18:54
An unknown person drew a swastika on a Jewish canteen in Uman. Photo: t.me/UJCUkraine An unknown person drew a swastika on a Jewish canteen in Uman. Photo: t.me/UJCUkraine

The police promptly identified the offender, all necessary investigative actions are being carried out.

In the Jewish quarter of the city of Uman, Cherkasy region, a man drew a swastika on the building of the canteen. This was reported by the United Jewish Community of Ukraine in its Telegram channel on April 16, 2024.

The incident occurred on April 12 near the pilgrimage quarter of the Bratslav Hasidim.

"An unknown person painted the facade of the building, which has Jewish inscriptions, with a swastika and the abbreviation 'A.C.A.B.', which expresses hostility to the police," the report said.

The United Jewish Organization of Ukraine reminds that, according to Ukrainian law, the use of symbols of totalitarian regimes, in particular Nazi symbols, is prohibited and may be punishable by imprisonment up to 5 years.

"As it became known to the United Jewish Community of Ukraine, the police promptly established the identity of the offender, all necessary investigative actions are being carried out, including examination," the community updated its post in its Telegram channel shortly after the publication.

It is also reported that as of April 16, the inscription was painted over.

Earlier, vandals desecrated a UOC chapel in Kivertsi.

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