Yarosh: Each UOC priest is worse than the pope

29 March 12:31
Dmytro Yarosh. Photo: Dmytro Yarosh's Facebook Dmytro Yarosh. Photo: Dmytro Yarosh's Facebook

The former leader of the Right Sector organization called for the liquidation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Former leader of the radical "Right Sector" organization Dmytro Yarosh called for the destruction of the UOC on the grounds that all the Church's clergy are enemies. He wrote about this on his Facebook page.

"The Moscow sect, the so-called UOC, must be immediately liquidated in Ukraine! Moscow priests-gastarbeieters are the 'storm-Z' in the Ukrainian rear. Every Moscow bishop or priest is even worse than a Moscow puppet – the Pope of Rome. They are all either overt enemies or covert... those who wanted to switch sides to Ukrainians are already with us," he wrote. He advised those who still doubt the expediency of decimating the UOC to reread the speeches of Patriarch Kirill.

Earlier, Dmytro Yarosh urged the head of the UOC-KP, Filaret Denysenko, to come to his senses and "not play into the hands of the Kremlin". According to Yarosh, Filaret's actions "weaken Ukrainianism and Christianity".

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