"Servants of the People" combine meeting in Phanar with family minivacation

09 March 2021 21:10
The deputy from the “Servant of the People” party Yevhenia Kravchenko published a photo with her colleagues in the delegation from Ukraine to the head of the Phanar in Istanbul. Photo: strana.ua The deputy from the “Servant of the People” party Yevhenia Kravchenko published a photo with her colleagues in the delegation from Ukraine to the head of the Phanar in Istanbul. Photo: strana.ua

"Servants" and the Deputy Head of the OP continued the official visit to Patriarch Bartholomew with walks in warm Istanbul and photo sessions with family members.

Deputies of the Verkhovna Rada from the “Servant of the People” party and Deputy Head of the Presiden's Office Kirill Timoshenko, who arrived in Turkey on March 6 as part of an official delegation of representatives of the parliament and diplomats of Ukraine to meet with Patriarch Bartholomew, were in Istanbul not alone but with members of their families, reports Strana.ua. They combined the solution of important government tasks and a mini-vacation by March 8, visiting local tourist attractions and posting photo reports about it on social networks.

“Some members of the Ukrainian delegation, taking the chance, took their wives with them and spent a long holiday weekend in the Turkish tourist mecca,” writes the resource. In particular, Timoshenko and his wife, in addition to meeting with the head of the Phanar, visited the main palace of the Ottoman Empire – Topkapi, sat in a cafe overlooking the Bosphorus and spent money at the Grand Bazaar. Timoshenko's wife Alena published a photo report on this on Instagram.

Vacation in Istanbul of Alena Timoshenko, the wife of the Deputy Head of the President's Office Kirill Timoshenko. Photo: strana.ua

Photos from a business trip to Istanbul to Bartholomew were also shared by "Servant of the People" Yevhenia Kravchenko. "The best company ever", as the MP signed the picture with colleagues in Turkey.

As reported earlier, the meeting of “Servants of the People” with the head of the Phanar was attended by the Deputy Head of the President's Office Kirill Timoshenko.

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