Metropolitan Nectarios of Kerkyra: Homosexual "family" is a perversion

12 January 21:44
Metropolitan Nectarios of Kerkyra of the Greek Orthodox Church Metropolitan Nectarios of Kerkyra of the Greek Orthodox Church

A Greek hierarch said that the Church has a clear line on gay marriage, which he has no right to change.

Metropolitan Nectarios of Kerkyra of the Greek Orthodox Church believes that the homosexual "family" is a perversion, reports the YouTube channel ACTION 24.

In an interview with the Greek TV channel ACTION 24, the Greek bishop emphasised that the Church does not interfere with the state and legislation.

However, he said, there should also be respect for the Church on the part of the state. Because on the issue of gay marriage, the Church holds a certain line, "and I cannot change it and say to my people, 'Look, there is a normal, natural family, but there is also a family that comes from perversion'."

"Whatever you say about me, but people who love God and experience the truth of Christ feel that this family is not normal but a perversion," the hierarch said.

As earlier reported, according to Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus, sodomy is the pinnacle of evil separating man from God.

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