Greek media: Phanar bishops refuse to concelebrate with Dumenko in Finland

26 December 2023 12:00
The Primate of the Finnish Church refused to co-serve with Dumenko and Zoria. Photo: OCU The Primate of the Finnish Church refused to co-serve with Dumenko and Zoria. Photo: OCU

The head of the Finnish Church refused to concelebrate with Dumenko and Zoria, referring to the state of health. At the same time, he attended the service.

The programme of Serhiy Dumenko's trip to Finland includes a joint liturgy with the Primate of the Finnish Church of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, Archbishop Leo, but the latter refused to concelebrate with Dumenko and Zoria at the last moment, reports "Romfea" with reference to its sources.

The publication writes that the visit of the top OCU leaders to Finland and Sweden was prepared in the strictest secrecy, and publications about it appeared only on its first day, 14 December.

According to the text, by preliminary agreement Epifaniy and Leo were to serve the liturgy together on 16 December, the 22nd anniversary of the enthronement of the Archbishop of Helsinki.

"The source reports that Archbishop Leo suddenly refused to serve with the head of the Autocephalous Church of Ukraine, referring to his health state. A promise was immediately made that Metropolitan Epifaniy would be concelebrated by Metropolitan Ilia of Oulu or Bishop Sergius of Hamina on 16 December, which ultimately did not happen," Romfea writes.

The Metropolitan of Oulu refused to serve with Dumenko, and Bishop Sergius simply did not come to the service.

As a result, the liturgy was led by Archpriest Markku Salminen, who is reportedly "known in Finland as an advocate for the LGBTI movement and same-sex marriage". Archbishop Leo, meanwhile, attended the service despite his "state of health". After the refusal of the Primate and hierarchs of the Church of Finland, Dumenko and Zoria also refused to serve and only took communion.

The publication writes that the refusal of the Primate and hierarchs of the Church of Finland to concelebrate with the OCU "was caused by the discontent of some influential laymen and clergy".

As reported, the head of the Finnish Church of the Phanar awarded Dumenko and Zoria orders.

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