Expert: US administration may support attack on UOC in Ukraine

08 February 2021 22:21
Ruslan Bortnik, Director of the Ukrainian Institute for Policy Analysis and Management. Photo: Ruslan Bortnik, Director of the Ukrainian Institute for Policy Analysis and Management. Photo:

The USA is interested in the religious deconstruction of traditional societies, so the attack on the UOC will continue in our country, Ruslan Bortnik believes.

The Joe Biden administration may support an attack on the UOC in Ukraine since the United States is generally interested in the religious deconstruction of traditional societies, said Ruslan Bortnik, Director of the Ukrainian Institute for Policy Analysis and Management, in comments for the “Strana” edition that reports are coming from various sources in church and government circles that the authorities are going to strike at the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

“This area has become especially active in connection with the coming to power in the United States of Joe Biden, who had previously created the Alliance for Religious Freedom. This suggests that issues of religion under Biden will be under special control,” the expert said.

According to Bortnik, the intervention of the Vladimir Zelensky administration in the church issue can finally destroy his already falling rating, but, apparently, Zelensky himself expects that his ability to remain in power will depend more on external support and consensus of the oligarchs than on opinions of the Ukrainian society”.

As reported, the hierarch of the UOC commented on the possibility of an impending strike by the authorities on the Church

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