A cleric who served with the Phanar Exarch banned in Volyn Diocese

29 September 2023 18:13
Archpriest Oleksandr Kolb in St. Andrew's Cathedral. Photo: Facebook of the Phanar's stauropegia in Kyiv Archpriest Oleksandr Kolb in St. Andrew's Cathedral. Photo: Facebook of the Phanar's stauropegia in Kyiv

The Metropolitan of Volyn and Lutsk temporarily banned Archpriest Oleksandr Kolb from the priesthood.

On September 29, 2023, Metropolitan Nathanael of Volyn and Lutsk temporarily suspended the priest Oleksandr Kolb from performing his clerical duties, accoridng to the diocese's website.

In the decree, it is stated that he is suspended based on the 39th Apostolic Canon for violating the oath of a clergyman, the decision of the Synod of Bishops of the UOC (Ukrainian Orthodox Church) from November 13, 2018, and the resolution of the Holy Synod (37th Journal) of the same date. The priest is suspended without the right to partake in the Holy Sacraments of Christ until full repentance.

Priest Oleksandr Kolb participated in a religious service on September 24, 2023, with the Exarch of Phanar, Bishop Michael of Comana, where one of the "clergymen" of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) was also present.

Previously, the Holy Synod reported that the Phanar Exarch had concelebrated in Kyiv with an archimandrite of the Russian Orthodox Church.

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