Catholic cardinal: Pope's gay statement is devastating

24 October 2020 15:06
Gerhard Müller. Photo: Gerhard Müller. Photo:

The German cardinal believes that homosexuals "have no right to found a family and marry".

On October 22, German curial cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church Gerhard Müller said Pope Francis' support for gay people is "destructive", according to the Catholic social network

“Faithful Catholics feel irritated, while opponents of the Church see that the Vicar of Christ supports them, rejecting His (Christ's – Ed.) Divine nature,” said Müller.

According to him, Pope Francis's support for the legalization of civil same-sex union is "an exclusively personal opinion" that every Catholic “should and must" oppose.

Müller also believes that homosexuals "have no right to found a family and marry".

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that Pope Francis called for legalizing same-sex civil unions.

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