Reserve head assumes Lavra parishioners can be dispersed with water jets

11 August 2023 14:01
Illustrative photo of a police water cannon. Photo: theatlantic Illustrative photo of a police water cannon. Photo: theatlantic

When asked whether the time had come to disperse the defenders of the Lavra with water, Ostapenko answered in the affirmative.

Maxym Ostapenko, Acting Director of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra Reserve, did not rule out the possibility of dispersing Lavra believers, who have been protecting the buildings from their forceful seizure by officials, with water cannons. He announced this in the comments on his Facebook page.

To the question of one of the commentators, “Is it definitely impossible to disperse them from a fire hose with water?”, Ostapenko replied: “Probably, the time has come.”

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that according to Ostapenko, unknown people provoke pro-Ukrainian monks in the Lavra.

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