Media: Pope Francis calls for legalization of same-sex civil unions

21 October 2020 22:55
A poster for the film A poster for the film "Francesco". Photo:

Pope Francis, the head of the Roman Catholic Church, believes that LGBT people are children of God and have the right to a family.

In a documentary that premiered in Rome on October 21, 2020, as part of the Rome Film Festival, the current head of the Vatican, Pope Francis, suggested legalizing same-sex civil unions, reports the Catholic News Agency.

The remarks came amid a portion of the documentary that reflected on pastoral care for those who identify as LGBT.

“Homosexuals have a right to be a part of the family. They’re children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out, or be made miserable because of it,” Francis said of his approach to pastoral care.

“What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they (representatives of LGBT people – Ed.) are legally covered,” the pope said. “I stood up for that.” 

Featuring interviews with Vatican figures including Cardinal Luis Tagle and other collaborators of the pope, “Francesco” looks at the pope’s advocacy for migrants and refugees, the poor, his work on the issue of clerical sexual abuse, the role of women in society, and the disposition of Catholics and others toward those who identify as LGBT.

The film also tells the story of how the pontiff encouraged two Italian men in same-sex relationships to raise their children in the parish church, which, according to one of the men, was very beneficial for his children.

Filmmaker Evgeny Afineevsky, a Russian-born filmmaker living in the U.S., said that in his film he tried to present the pope as he saw him and that "Francesco" may not please all Catholics.

"I’m looking at him not as the pope, I’m looking at him as a humble human being, a great role model to the younger generation, leader for the older generation, a leader to many people not in the sense of the Catholic Church, but in the sense of pure leadership, on the ground, on the streets,” Afineevsky added.

The Catholic News Agency also reported that the Vatican's press office refused to comment on the pope's remarks.

As reported earlier, an RCC priest called the teaching of the Catechism, which condemns LGBT people, “shameful”.

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