RB Catholics urge protests "with a pitchfork in hands and love in hearts"

01 September 2020 15:37
Rallies against President Lukashenko continue in Belarus. Photo: gomel.today Rallies against President Lukashenko continue in Belarus. Photo: gomel.today

In Belarus, clerics of the Roman Catholic Church provoke residents to escalate protests.

In response to the ban on entry to Belarus to Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz of the Roman Catholic Church, Catholic clerics urge on social networks to protest outside administrative buildings "with love in their hearts and with a pitchfork in their hands".

RB Catholics urge protests
A screenshot of the Facebook page "Catholics of Belarus"

Orthodox blogger Alexander Voznesensky, who published their correspondence, believes that Catholics are deliberately provoking Belarusians to take radical actions.

“We need to be prepared for the fact that Catholics will not only try to create a new wave of protest but also try to translate them into a forceful dimension,” Voznesensky wrote on his Facеbook page.

As reported, on August 31, Belarusian border guards did not allow the head of the Roman Catholic Church of Belarus, Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz, who was returning home from Poland, into the country. Two days earlier, he demanded to investigate and punish those responsible for the situation around the Red Church in Minsk, where on August 26 security forces blocked about a hundred protesters.

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