Lutsk authorities intend to ease coronavirus quarantine in churches

20 July 2020 17:16
Lutsk authorities want to ease the coronavirus quarantine in churches. Photo: Lutsk authorities want to ease the coronavirus quarantine in churches. Photo:

Lutsk authorities want to ease quarantine in churches and allow more people to be in the church during services.

The Lutsk City Council will discuss the issue of easing the coronavirus quarantine in churches at an extraordinary session, councilor of the mayor Igor Polishchuk said on his Facebook page.

He wrote that the heads of Christian denominations of the city and believers ask to ease the quarantine.

According to Igor Polishchuk, the city authorities plan to reduce the social distance during services from 10 to 5 sq. meters of the church area per person.

“The norm of no more than one person per 5 square meters of the total area is proposed for the visitors of concerts and cultural events in decree No. 36 of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Ukraine Viktor Liashko dated June 6, 2020, and therefore we consider it possible to reduce the norm to the same indicator for temples and churches of the city,” said Polishchuk.


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