Lavra abbot to brethren: Don’t leave the monastery under any circumstances!

07 April 2023 15:47
Metropolitan Pavel (Lebed). Photo: UOJ Metropolitan Pavel (Lebed). Photo: UOJ

Metropolitan Pavel, while under house arrest, addressed the brethren of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra.

On April 7, the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Metropolitan Pavel (Lebed), the abbot of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, who is under house arrest without the right to visit the monastery, addressed the Lavra brethren, reports the UOJ.

Vladyka said that Christians always obey earthly laws because a bad citizen of earth will never become a citizen of Heaven.

"Dear Fathers and Brethren! We have no right to leave the Lavra because there is no law against us. There is not a single decision to expel us from the monastery. Alas, everything is being done today lawlessly and unlawfully, but God is behind us," said the abbot.

Metropolitan Pavel urged everyone to stand firmly for their faith in spite of persecution and reminded those who are afraid of suffering of the feat of the Martyrs of Sebastia.

"He who wanted to save his body from the frost died. We should not be afraid, this is only the beginning of the persecution of the Church if we are careful to read the Holy Scriptures, especially the Apocalypse," said Metropolitan Pavel.

As reported, the Lavra vicar, while under house arrest, celebrated the Divine Liturgy.

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