RF State Duma appeals to Turkish Parliament regarding Hagia Sophia

07 July 2020 17:17
Hagia Sophia Cathedral. Photo: duma.gov.ru Hagia Sophia Cathedral. Photo: duma.gov.ru

State Duma MPs called on the Turkish authorities to take all possible steps in order to prevent damage that could be caused by altering the status of Hagia Sophia.

On July 7, 2020, the State Duma of the Russian Federation appealed to the Turkish Parliament not to change the status of Hagia Sophia from museum to mosque, according to the official website of the State Duma.

The parliamentarians request to uphold the decision of the founder of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, thanks to whom Hagia Sophia, which received the status of a museum in 1935, for many years has become a symbol of peace and interfaith harmony.

“An outstanding monument of Byzantine architecture, a world masterpiece, a UNESCO World Heritage List, this cathedral-museum is one of the most visited sights of Istanbul city by Russian tourists,” the appeal said.

According to the document, it is necessary to take all possible steps in order to prevent a global damage that could be caused by a hasty change in the status of the world famous museum.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the authorities of the Russian Federation called to look to the world significance of Hagia Sophia when deciding on its status.

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