Trofimov claimed to be fired for his “allegiance to Moscow Patriarchate”

03 June 2020 20:06
Sergey Trofimov, the First Deputy Head of the Presidential Office, is demanded to be dismissed for his Sergey Trofimov, the First Deputy Head of the Presidential Office, is demanded to be dismissed for his "patronage" of the UOC. Photo:

The author of the anti-church bill demanded the dismissal of the First Deputy Head of the Presidential Office for his "allegiance to the Moscow Patriarchate".

The author of the anti-church law No. 5309, MP of the eighth convocation, public figure Alexander Briginets, created a petition demanding the dismissal of the First Deputy Head of the Office of the President Sergey Trofimov. The author of the petition, which was published on the site of the Head of State, accused Mr. Trofimov of "his allegiance to the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate".

The author of the anti-church bill assured in the title of the petition that Trofimov’s alleged tenure “poses a threat to national interests, creates prerequisites for enhancing the influence of the aggressor state, and does not foster an atmosphere of religious tolerance and mutual understanding in the country.”

However, in the document itself, the only topic discussed was the attitude of the First Deputy Head of the Presidential Office to the canonical Church.

“The First Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Sergey Trofimov in his public speeches and interviews has repeatedly reiterated his commitment to the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate. But this religious organization is known for fulfilling not a spiritual but a political and ideological mission in the territory of Ukraine in the interests of Russia,” the petitioner said.

He accused S. Trofimov of “publicly declaring his affiliation to this structure”.

According to A. Briginets, one cannot but associate with the activities of the first deputy head of the Presidential Office that the authorities "do not comply with Law No. 5309 <...> and Law No. 4128-D regarding voluntary changes by religious communities of their church jurisdiction."

The petitioner also accused the UOC itself of allegedly urging people to violate quarantine.

Earlier, Trofimov promised to personally examine violations of the rights of believers of the canonical Church. The official is convinced that each person has the right to decide for themselves what religious organization to belong to. He is sure that the law on renaming the UOC is a political manipulation.

Sergey Trofimov also noted that the State Service for Ethnic Politics and Freedom of Conscience was created for the sake of pressure on the Church, while the policy of the former President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko regarding religion was wicked.

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