UGCC demands the Pochaiv Lavra back

08 February 2023 15:57
Pochaiv Lavra. Photo: Pochaiv Lavra. Photo:

The UGCC monks and officials of the Ternopil RC believe one should terminate the lease agreement for the Pochaiv Lavra with the UOC and return it to its "legal owners."

On February 2, 2023, the chairperson of the Ternopil Regional Council and the Basilian monks discussed plans for the “return” of the Pochaiv Lavra to the bosom of the UGCC. This was reported on the page of the province of the Most Holy Savior of the Basilian Fathers in Ukraine on Facebook.

The report states that the monks of the monastery voluntarily accepted unity with Rome, and from 1712 to 1831 the shrine belonged to the Uniate Greek Catholic Church, and was transferred to another denomination by force.

Basilians gave the head of the regional council a letter from the head of the UGCC demanding that the Lavra be returned to its rightful owners.

“The Ukrainian people and churches in Ukraine need to look for what unites us, not divides us, caring for the triumph of justice. It would be expedient to revoke the reserve lease agreement with the current tenant, concluded for a period until 2054, and return the buildings of the shrine to their rightful owners, those who erected the structures and gave the main impetus to the development of the monastery,” the UGCC says.

Recall that the head of the Ternopil Regional State Administration promised to initiate the transfer of the Pochaiv Lavra to the OCU.

Earlier, the UOJ reported that the OCU and the UGCC were arguing over who should get its hands on the Pochaiv Lavra.

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