OCU “priest”: The construction of a crematorium in Lviv is a good thing

26 May 2020 21:38
The representative of the OCU advocated for the construction of a crematorium in Lviv. Photo: radiotrek The representative of the OCU advocated for the construction of a crematorium in Lviv. Photo: radiotrek

The "priest" of the OCU believes that people who oppose the construction of a crematorium in Lviv are only hiding behind Christianity.

Nazar Lozinsky, a representative of the Lviv-Sokal Eparchy of the OCU, wrote in his blog on the pages of Zaxid.net that the construction of a crematorium in Lviv is a good thing.

He said that he was "surprised by the position of some activists of the city, in particular the deputies, regarding a useful matter that is directly related to funeral rituals – the construction of a crematorium in Lviv".

He believes that when opponents of the construction of the crematorium "hide behind Christianity, this causes bewilderment."

Christianity, in his words, “absolutely does not connect the method of the burial of a person with the posthumous fate of his immortal soul”.

He emphasizes that "the cremation of the body poses no obstacles to the Christian burial of a person".

At the same time, Lozinsky believes, “cremation cannot take place without fail”, and “a body transformed into ashes must be buried in an appropriate prayer way”.

“After all, a person must return to the earth from which he was created, although this does not matter for the salvation of his soul. I think that the existence of a crematorium does not violate these two conditions,” the representative of the OCU writes.

As reported earlier, an OCU cleric is conducting Communion through a video conference.


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