Metropolitan Luke: Surrogate motherhood is an anti-Christian phenomenon

17 May 2020 14:31
Infants born by surrogate Ukrainian mothers for foreigners. Photo: a video screenshot of the BioTexCom clinic on YouTube Infants born by surrogate Ukrainian mothers for foreigners. Photo: a video screenshot of the BioTexCom clinic on YouTube

The UOC hierarch commented on the situation with babies born by surrogate Ukrainian mothers for foreigners who cannot pick up children from Kyiv due to quarantine.

The quarantine revealed such a way of earning in Ukraine as surrogate motherhood, which in its essence is an immoral, anti-Christian and inhuman phenomenon, wrote Metropolitan Luke (Kovalenko) of Zaporizhzhia and Melitopol on his Telegram channel.

"Nowadays, there is a lot of talk about children who were born by Ukrainian surrogate mothers and who are 'stuck' in Ukraine due to quarantine," said the bishop. “But no one talks about the problem of surrogacy at all. In our country, politicians have sold everything that could be sold. They sold their conscience, our land, and our country. Well, people can only sell what they have left. And they have not much of their own left – they themselves.”

In his opinion, that’s why "our people are leaving to sell themselves in European slave markets, and those who stayed at home sell everything they can, including their wombs".

“This business is called ‘womb for rent’ by Catholic conservative bioethicists,” Vladyka Luke said. “Since it is prohibited by law in many countries (or it is subject to certain restrictions), Ukrainian women earn their living in this way whenever possible.”

The hierarch noted that no one can honestly and clearly explain where and into which families — hetero or homosexual — such children get and what happens to them next, but “one thing is certain - in the future, they will face a number of psychological problems as a result of the crisis self-awareness."

“Thus, the quarantine revealed another way of not quite legal and immoral earnings that exists in our country. Surrogacy is essentially immoral, anti-Christian, and inhuman. All this, of course, does not come from a good life, and I sincerely feel sorry for both the surrogate mothers themselves and the children they gave birth to. And I am writing this so that our society once again reflects on this problem and realizes the depth of the bottom to which we have come. Fascist executioners in concentration camps with German pedantry benefited from all the "human material" that was at their disposal. Medical trials and experiments were performed on people, the bodies of the dead were used to make soap, leather bindings, etc. Isn’t our country turning into such a concentration camp where invaders-colonists squeeze out of the Ukrainian people the maximum benefit for themselves?” resumed Metropolitan Luke.

Earlier, the media reported that in the capital's hotel at the surrogacy clinic there are about 50 babies born by Ukrainian surrogate mothers who cannot be taken away by their foreign parents due to quarantine restrictions. As the owner of the clinic later said, the scandal was deliberately fueled to draw the attention of the authorities to the problem and organize special flights: “Frankly speaking, we ‘hyped’, but successfully. Now our issue will be resolved. <...> Let it cause a storm of indignation with somebody, but the problem will be solved.”

As reported, earlier in Brussels there was a fair of surrogate mothers and children for LGBT couples.

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