OCU's "service" at Lavra to be held under extra police protection

06 January 2023 18:49
Kyiv police chief Ivan Vyhovsky. Photo: Liga Kyiv police chief Ivan Vyhovsky. Photo: Liga

The police have no information about possible provocations during the OCU "service".

The police will ensure security during the "Christmas service" of the OCU at the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. This was announced by the head of the Kyiv police Ivan Vyhovsky, reports the TG channel KlymenkoTime.

"Kyiv police are preparing to ensure public security and order during the service at the Dormition Cathedral of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. In the city as a whole about 3 thousand law enforcement officers will be involved, that is, almost 1700 police officers, about a thousand of State Emergency Situations Service (SES) workers, and more than 200 people from volunteer formations of territorial communities. And, accordingly, a certain number of police officers will be on duty just around the perimeter of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra and directly on the territory of the Upper Lavra," Vyhovsky said.

He also added that the police have no information about possible provocations during the service.

As reported, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church said that representatives of the OCU might stage provocations on 7 January in order to accuse believers of the canonical Church.


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