Filaret claims homosexual marriage accounts for coronavirus

23 March 2020 14:34
"Patriarch" Filaret Denisenko. Photo:

Глава ликвидированной УПЦ КП Филарет назвал однополые браки одной из причин эпидемии коронавируса.

"Patriarch" Filaret Denisenko said that one of the reasons for the spread of coronavirus is homosexual marriage. He told about this on the air of the program “Honestly with Tasha Trofimova” on “4 Channel”.

“An epidemic is God's punishment for the sins of people. The governments of all states, including ours, are doing the right thing by taking preventive measures. But the prime cause of the coronavirus is depravity of mankind. The peculiarity of the sin is when they do not openly promote good but protect evil. And not only protect but also spread it. I mean homosexual marriage. This is one of the causes of the coronavirus,” Filaret said.

As the UOJ reported, the Roma Catholic Church of Belarus invited Muslims to a general prayer for overcoming the virus.

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