Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra abbot comments on singing a song about Russia

14 November 2022 18:27
The Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. photo: The Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. photo:

Hieromonk Zachariah, who allowed chanting in the temple, is banned from the service.

The Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra abbot commented on the situation with the performance of a song about Russia by parishioners in one of the temples of the monastery and said that in the near future a bishops’ council will be convened to determine the fate of Hieromonk Zachariah, who allowed the singing.

Metropolitan Paul, the Lavra's abbot, said that the priest had already been banned from performing the Divine Liturgy and serving prayers.

"I am sure that Fr Zachariah himself did not sing these songs. We don't sing secular songs in the temple, only songs glorifying the saints, not anyone. <...> In temples we must pray for one thing – for peace, for a speedy end to the war," the UOC hierarch said.

Archimandrite Polikarp (Linenko), the Lavra's senior choir singer, explained that this happened during a prayer service at the icon of the Mother of God "Vsetsaritsa", to which many people always gather.

"This prayer service is always served by one priest, the people who gather sing it. After the prayer service, people are anointed by the priest with the consecrated oil from the icon, and as many people gather, a group of activists sing different spiritual hymns while they are venerating the icon," said Father Polikarp.

The archimandrite added that Hieromonk Zachariah, who was performing the prayer service, was busy performing the anointing and talking to parishioners and simply did not hear them singing "The ringing of bells is rising, rising over Russia".

"At the highest level of the Lavra clergy, this priest has been suspended from performing Divine Liturgy, and the Lavra’s bishops’ council will meet in the near future to sort out the situation and decide on who and how should be punished," said Father Polycarp.

As reported, the SBU launched an investigation into the video from the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, which after being published on social networks was considered fake by many users.

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