UOC Hierarch meets with the Kingdom of Netherlands' Ambassador on religion

21 January 2020 18:31
Meeting with the delegation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Photo: vzcz.church.ua Meeting with the delegation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Photo: vzcz.church.ua

Участники встречи обсудили вопросы межконфессиональных отношений в Украине и проблемы Украинской Православной Церкви.

On January 21, 2020, on the territory of the Holy Dormition Kiev-Caves Lavra, the rector of the Kiev Theological Academy and Seminary, Bishop Sylvester (Stoichev) of Belogorodka met with the Special Envoy for Religion and Belief of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Mr. I. Daum. This was reported by the Department for External Church Relations of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

The Spokesman of the UOC, Archpriest Nikolai Danilevich, and a member of the UOC DECR, Priest Sergei Shulgach, also participated in the meeting with delegates from the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which was blessed by the Primate of the UOC, Metropolitan Onuphry of Kiev and All Ukraine.

Mr. Daum was accompanied during his visit to the Lavra by the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Ukraine, Mr. Jennes de Mol, and an employee of the Embassy of the Netherlands in Ukraine, Yekaterina Ostashkova.

During the meeting, the parties discussed issues of interfaith relations in our country, as well as problems and prospects of both the entire religious community of Ukraine and the UOC.

Earlier, the UOJ said that the ambassadors of the Baltic countries and Poland visited Sviatogorsk Lavra.

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